Encouraging Creativity!

A good art activity serves many purposes for a child. It provides an opportunity for independent problem solving as the youngster works toward the completion of a self determined goal. It give pleasure, and provides an understanding of the world around us through increased sensory awareness, provided by such simple things as smearing paint, molding clay or blending chalks.

Art activities that are freely chosen can also provide magical ways to help a child understand, cope and deal with fears and problems. The “Anti-Coloring Books®” were written to counteract the common adult impression that art must always look like something realistic and is created by children through copying, tracing and coloring-in pictures made by adults. Those activities discourage efforts at spontaneous and creative expression and stifle creativity.

Young at Art® exists to offer adults a way to understand and appreciate the importance of art in early childhood. Even scribbles should be encouraged in children. Scribbles are made up of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight and curved  lines.  In fact, they contain all of the lines and shapes used to comprise every alphabet in the entire world.   Because they contain the secret code needed to unlock literacy, a scribbling child should be lavishly praised and encouraged. Using their whole bodies to scribble helps children learn to understand and differentiate between all of the different lines and shapes they will need when they are ready to read.

  • Alphabet of Art

    Art concepts from A to Z… because a picture really is worth 1000 words!

    Full color masterpieces from museums around the world, this is a visually stunning, engaging book in which each page is an art lesson in itself, with the added bonus of a hands-on activity.

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  • Fifth Anti-Coloring Book®

    Designed to simulate creativity and encourage problem solving, the Anti-Coloring Books® help children draw their own pictures as well as their own conclusions about life.

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  • Nature's Wonders Cover

    Natures' Wonders

    Brimming with out-of-book projects, including recommendations for engaging books to read and lively songs to sing, Nature's Wonders encourages children to explore and discover the beauty of the natural world for themselves, in the great outdoors as well as in their own backyards.

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  • Super Powers Anti-Coloring Book®

    Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are among the super-heroes who inspire children to unleash their creative powers and let their imaginations soar. With the Super Powers leading the way, children strive to emulate their heroes, and begin to make decisions, strengthen their self-confidence, and develop their own best powers.

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  • Artists At Work

    This Anti-Coloring Book® focuses on professions in the arts — such as cartoonists, photographers, sculptors, fashion designers, graphic artists, and museum curators — to expose children to many potential artistic careers. It also challenges and encourages them to create their own works of art!

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  • Anti-Coloring Book® for Adults Only

    This Anti-Coloring Book® is especially designed for grown-ups! Like the highly acclaimed and best-selling children's books, this adult version inspires you to create your own art rather than color in someone else's.

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